7 de junio de 2010

Une pétition est un poème et un poème est une pétition

Papa: My children believe that their demonstrations and sit-ins...and happenings...what, they believe that these possess the capacity...not only to provoke society, but also to transform it.

Theo: What is it you're saying? If Langlois is dismissed, we shouldn't do anything?
If immigrants are deported,if students are beaten up, we shouldn't do anything?

Papa: What I'm saying is that a little lucidity would not go amiss.

Theo: So, uh, everyone's wrong but you? In France, in Italy, Germany, America?
Papa: Listen to me, Theo. Before you can change the world...
you must realize you yourself are part of it.
You cannot stand outside looking in.

Theo: You're the one who stands outside. You're the one who refused to sign a petition against the Vietnam War.
Papa: Poets don't sign petitions. They sign poems.
Theo: A petition is a poem.
Papa: Yes! And a poem is a petition.Thank you, but I'm not gaga yet. I don't need you to remind me of my own work!
Theo: [Speaking French] Une pétition est un poème et un poème est une pétition. Those are the most famous lines you ever wrote. And now look at you. I hope I'll never be like him...

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